Sunday, January 30, 2011


Nutritionists are presently engaged in trying to make snacks that are more nourishing. They say that since most North Americans eat snacks instead of regular healthful meals, food manufacturers should put more vitamins, minerals and proteins into them.

This would mean that potato chips, pizza, coke, hot dogs, hamburgers and candy will all be enriched with added nutrients.

Can you picture the kind of meals that will be served to future generations of children? A typical breakfast scene would go like this:

“Aw, Mum, do I have to have Coke again this morning? I’d like a glass of orange juice instead.”

“Billy, I’ve told you about the added vitamins and minerals you get in Coke. Just sit down and drink it without another word.”

“Could I have some oatmeal this morning?”

“You’ll get a lot more nourishment from these hot dogs and chips. And don’t forget to put on plenty of mustard. That’s a really good source of Vitamin C.”

His mother peers into the oven and continues. “When you’re finished that, I have a pizza ready with lots of anchovies. Nutritionists say they’re load with niacine and thiamine.”

After breakfast, she hands him his lunch box. “I made a special surprise for your lunch today. I just found out that extra protein has been added to cheesies, popcorn and pretzels, so I bought enough for your lunch and for your after-school snack, too!”

“Gee whiz, Mum, I’m sick of all that junk. I’d rather have a chopped egg sandwich on whole wheat bread for lunch. And why can’t I have some milk and carrot and celery sticks when I come home after school?”

“Because there’s no nourishment in that stuff! You know how important good nutrition is to a growing boy. We’re going to have crackerjacks and ice box cake with chocolate bars, jelly beans and licorice whips for supper tonight. They’ve all just been newly fortified with Vitamins A and D.”

“Gosh, Mum, I’d rather have a steak and a salad for supper tonight.”

“Certainly not! That kind of food isn’t good for you!”

“But Mum…”

“Oh, all right! I can’t stand your arguing another minute. I’ll make you a small steak tonight. But remember, you won’t get a single bite unless you finish all your cake and candy first.”


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